A new Green IT climate award with focus on innovation
/Call for Innovation
Dear Sir / Madam
Green IT can make a significant contribution toward making future business activities more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. That is why green IT solutions deserve to be given a prize today: the «Green IT Innovation Award». Orbit and its partners 4C business campaigning GmbH, öbu, and WWF are targeting research directors, product managers, innovators, and pioneers with this award.
Anyone who is working on an innovative solution in the field of Green IT, or who can make a contribution of some kind, is encouraged to apply for the «Green IT Innovation Award». The award is aimed at companies based in Switzerland, as well as private individuals who are able to present an innovative solution in any of the following categories:
- Green IT» solutions for IT
- Green IT» solutions for consumers
- Low carbon economy solutions
Numerous studies have shown there is still great potential for IT and telecommunications to become more energy efficient and resource and environmentally friendly. Not only the reduction of the environmental impact of the IT-industry itself, but also the use of IT-technology in other areas promise less C02 emissions (e.g. video conferences instead of air travel). The objective of the Green IT Innovation Award is to put together solutions and climate-friendly technologies, which make it possible to reduce CO2 emissions and environmental pollution.
A group of experts from science, politics, civil society and business will select the most valuable innovations in the three categories. The award ceremony will be held during Orbit 2009 (12-15 May 2009) and will be used to present the innovations to the general public. Subsequently we w want to present a collection of all environmentally and climate-friendly IT solutions to all participants and interested parties.
Read more about this award here